Friday 11 November 2016

36 Weeks - Meet Cooper

I guess I took my last pregnancy picture just in time.  On Saturday November 5, it was our 5 year anniversary, and I was 36 weeks 2 days pregnant.  Ryan and I went out for dinner and I had him take my picture when we got home.

The next day I went into labour.

Meet Cooper Lorne.  Born on November 6 at 8:54 pm.  7lbs 1oz, 19.5 inches long.  A full head of dark black hair.  We were surprised that he was a boy, with dark hair and was so big!

My labour, birth and first few days with a new baby have been completely different than last time.  So I hope to be able to blog about all of that in the next little bit!



  1. Congratulations!! Look at all that hair!

  2. Love the name! And wow! The hair! Congrats! xo
