Saturday 6 January 2018

Miracle Mornings

Do you ever feel like you could just be more productive?  We feel like we are so busy all the time, but how much time is just wasted.  I feel like I get lazy and just used to being lazy.  I could be much more productive and I feel like could generally enjoy life more and get less stressed.

Anyways, my Doterra team is doing something called "Miracle Mornings" this month.  (Side note: when you sign up with Doterra you join a team, get access to private websites and Facebook pages, gain support from those you signed up under.  I'm actually finding it super fun and inspirational!)  So they are doing this "Miracle Mornings" challenge where you get up at 6:30 every day and sign onto Zoom and it holds you accountable.  Once up you can do whatever you feel you need to do.  You could work, work out, meditate.  Just something productive.

Well 6:30 does not work for me, because I'm always up by 6:30.  But I have been trying to get up at 5:30 since I went back to work.  It happens about twice a week.  But I really want to commit to it this year.  When I get up at 5:30, no excuses (not even a baby who was up in the night!), I'm able to start my day with something productive.  In most cases I am working out, as that's the only time that works for me to get exercise in.  But some days maybe I will tidy up, or work on a photo book, or get some other type of work done.  So far, after a week of Miracle Mornings, I feel fantastic.  I am more energized, more productive and at the end of the day feel like I've really accomplished a lot.

We feel like we have no time in our days to do what we need to do, or what we want to do.  But that's not entirely true.  Sure we are busy, but how much more time could be productive time?  If we got up earlier and got something accomplished before heading off to work, doesn't the whole day feel better?  I know it does for me!

So that's where I'm at with being crazy and getting up super early!  Have you ever tried something like a Miracle Morning?

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