Friday, 31 August 2012


Speaking of TGIF, I wish that Full House and Boy Meets World were on TV tonight.  And perhaps something with the Olsen Twins.  And Sabrina the Teenage Witch.  Ahhhh yes.  (Did I ever tell you that originally Pipsi was going to be named Topanga?  Well she was.  Next pet is already named).

Instead, I plan to be heading up to the cottage for one last shot at summer.  I'm ditchin' the hubby (I never call him that, some people can pull it off, I can't, I will never do it again), who would rather stay home and cut the lawn.  Really though.  He loves it.
So here's hoping that Hurricane Isaac doesn't bring that rain up here to Canada and we get a nice weekend. 

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Ranting about McDonald's and Coffee

Two posts in one day?  I know crazy.  But some things just need to be said.

What was going to start as a rant about coffee has turned into a rant about McDonald's as well.

First of all, I went to McDonald's for breakfast this morning on my way to work because I did something crazy and went to 6:30 am yoga and I also had a coupon.  So I order my BLT bagel because it is cheese free, and a hash brown (yum) and a coffee. 

So I get to the office and take a look at my coffee to find this.

Can someone tell me where the rest of my coffee is?  If I order a black coffee, that means I'm not adding anything to it.  So fill it up please.  At least to that line at the top.  Isn't that what that line is for?

Side rant: You know when you go to a restaurant for breakfast and the coffee is unlimited?  Does anyone else hate it when they don't constantly fill up your coffee?  Only a non-coffee drinking waitress would not fill it up.  If I order unlimited coffee it's because I want to enjoy 6 cups of it over breakfast.  Clearly this girl at McDoon's wasn't a coffee drinker either. 

Ok back to McDonald's.  So then after my coffee annoyance I open up my "BLT".
Does that looks like a BLT?  To me it looks like an egg and bacon bagel with cheese. 

I have nothing more to say.

The Beginning of Something Special

In Progress
My basement plans are at least moving along.  Slowly but surely. 

They started with bringing this baby into the room.  I bought the cushion new from Pier 1 and bought the chair used from Kijiji for $100.  It came with a brown fuzzy cushion, which unfortunately is much more comfortable than the green one that I bought, but brown isn't really in my colour scheme.  So I didn't really save much on the chair, but I might try selling the cushion.  And we sold the old electric fireplace that used to be there that we never used.  Kijiji for $30.  I wished we had put a higher price on it because there was so much interest.  Live and learn.

Also last week, I got my Tonic Living fabric samples in the mail.  Tonic Living ships out of Toronto, and their prices aren't bad.  Plus you can order samples for $1 each plus $2 shipping on the whole order.  So I ordered about 10 different samples. 

So here's the plan for this room.
  • The chair and the TV are going to switch places
  • Floating bookshelves are going to be put up in the corner behind the chair.  I'm hoping for 4-6 shelves in total to make it a little reading nook
  • I want to get a cushion for the wood box, and cover it in one of the fabrics
  • We need bar stools, they may or may not get covered in the same fabric as the wood box, depending on where the stools come from and what their current condition is
  • I really need to make me some curtains.  It will be out of a different but matching fabric.  I may make some pillows to match (I don't know how to sew, so hopefully I can learn)
  • I also need to buy some throw pillows, currently we got nothin'
  • On Ryan's side of things, he wants to replace the doors into the furnace room and change the trim
  • He would also love to make the bathroom bigger and add a shower, that may be a longer term plan
  • Obviously the painting still needs to be done, the walls are going to be grey and we will change that wooden strip above the panelling to be white
  • And last but not least, I plan for my gallery wall to go in this room, if I ever get up the nerve to put that many holes in the wall
I guess it's a fair bit of work, but none of it's overly complicated or expensive.  So I say before any money has been spent.
Pretty sure we are going with the second lightest paint, and I really love this material
Bar stools required

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Love It/Hate It #3

Love It: The Vampire Diaries
I can't stop watching.  I'm hoping to be all caught up by the time season 4 starts.  Which is mid-October, so I should be good.  I need something to distract me from studying tax. 

Hate It: 1 more weekend of summer
Here's hoping for warm weather in September.  Let's extend summer as long as possible.  I feel like I haven't had time to enjoy it enough yet.

Love It: Falling asleep while watching a movie by myself
As long as I didn't pay to rent it, I'm ok with this.  I fell asleep watching Scream 4 (I guess it wasn't scary enough), I just finished it the next day.

Hate It: The lack of dairy in my life.  I want a glass of milk.  And maybe some ice cream.

Love It: Fall TV is almost here!
I have missed all my shows so much.

 Hate It: Fall TV is almost here.
When there is nothing to watch I feel that I am much more productive.  Plus I was looking at my nightly schedules, and Thursday nights has Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, Glee and Two and a Half Men.  How am I supposed to fit all of these in?

Monday, 27 August 2012

The Story of Some Dates and Some Cake

We had two unofficial date nights this past weekend.  Friday night we made dinner, went for a walk and watched American Reunion with no interruptions.  It was fantastic.

Then on Sunday, we went to dinner at Ryan's parents and were home by 7!  So Ryan said let's have another date and watch a movie.  (I don't think this counts as a date, but whatev). 

We started watching The Fighter, but got bored.  So we switched to unwatched episodes of Cougar Town. 

I had two pieces of cake.  See that little blob down at the bottom of the picture? (Sorry for the lack of quality, Ryan was trying to capture the moment on his blackberry.)  That's my second piece.  I knocked it off my plate while trying to get under the blanket.  I think that it was trying to tell me that two pieces was too many.  Well I showed it.  I threw out that piece and got another one.  And yes, I hate to waste cake, but with a German Shepherd running around the house all weekend I just didn't want to risk little hairs in my icing.
Then I fell asleep during Cougar Town and we went to bed at 9.  Craziness.  Don't try this at home folks, I don't think you could handle the craziness that is our life!

When Cousins Meet

Willis came to stay this weekend.  Willis is our fur nephew. 

By this point in the walk, he had already had a very messy poo, which I got all over my hands trying to pick up and we had to go home, wash up and then leave again.  I love the dog, but this made me realize why I don't want one.  Big dogs do not have cute poop. 
First we took him on a walk up to the Car Show.  Honestly, I didn't even walk around and look at all of the cars.
I just sat under this tent for about 20 minutes and then went home.  Not entirely sure why I went... just for something to do I guess.
But when we took him home, the moment we had been waiting for happened.  The meeting of Willis and Pipsi.  Pipsi plays (or fights) with Oliver, but he is her size.  We weren't sure what she would think of Willis.
This is what she thought.
Then she decided to keep him within eyesight. 
Luckily, they have grown on each other.  I don't know if that's the right term for it actually.  They kind of just tolerate and ignore each other.  Willis is a lover, not a fighter.  He really just lays around most of the time.  Pipsi watches him and eats his food.  Ryan thinks cats eat dog food because its like treats, like if someone put some cheesy delicious nachos in front of a person, you can't resist.  I think that it's because she is showing dominance over him.  Maybe it's both.

So the two pets made it through the weekend without injuring each other.  I made it through the weekend without getting poop on me more than once.  We can't really ask for much more.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Ranting About Technology

I have a little rant here.  I'm not going to lie, I wrote this a couple weeks ago.  But then I had all these blog posts and never posted it.  But I still want to share my thoughts on technology.  I can't imagine my life without all of the little perks that technology has given us.  However, what I'm not ok with is children's access to technology.

Exhibit A: At Amy's wedding, her one and a half year old flower girl knew how to play and pause her little DVD player.
At first I thought, that's so cute.  The more I thought about it though, the more I thought, she shouldn't be able to do that.  Also, kids used to have to entertain themselves, now they have DVD players everywhere they go.  My cousins go for a 5 minute drive down the road and have to turn on the DVD player in the car.  They lose all concept of time.  They don't know what to do with themselves if the TV isn't on. It's awful.  How did we entertain ourselves when we were younger?

Exhibit B: Phones for Kids
How old are kids now when they get cell phones? I had to have my drivers license before my mom gave in.  And then it was a calling only phone, and my minutes were limited.  It wasn't for talking to friends, or texting, or going on the Internet.  This doesn't mean I want you to take away my blackberry.  I need google on my phone.  But my future children do not.  A woman I work with, her daughter has an ipod touch. Did you know that you can access WIFI from those things and make phone calls and text people?  So now I wouldn't even want my kids to have an ipod! A 12 year old does not have to text her friends.  That's what MSN is for.  I know it still exists because it pops up every time I turn on my computer.

Ok those are my only 2 exhibits.  But you get the point.  I just think that technology is taking over kids lives.  They don't have to be creative, they don't have to talk face to face, when they get bored they play video games, watch a movie or text their friends instead of figuring out something to do, or reading a book.

So, I am going to find a delorean and head on back to the 90's so that I can raise my kids there.  Because I turned out just fine.  Problem solved.


30 Before 30

I have less than 5 years until I turn the big 3-0.  So I have come up with a list of 30 things that I would like to do before them.  I know that some of them are tricky and might not happen, but I'm going to give it a go.  So here they are!
  1. Go sugar free for a week
  2. Work out every day for 2 weeks Done
  3. Volunteer somewhere for a cause I care about
  4. Don't watch TV for a week (vacations don't count!)
  5. Buy a trailer
  6. Swim with dolphins
  7. Go snorkeling
  8. Go to Disney World
  9. Learn how to drive standard
  10. Go on a picnic
  11. Join a book club Done
  12. Go on a yoga retreat
  13. Redesign my blog
  14. Get to 500 blog posts
  15. Run a 5K
  16. Go to Costa Rica
  17. Have a baby Done
  18. Start my own business
  19. Learn to sew and sew something that I can wear or that I can use in my house Done
  20. Make a pie crust
  21. Read a classic novel - any classic!
  22. Get my CGA
  23. Go skiing
  24. Do a 30 days yoga challenge
  25. Road trip!
  26. Become a yoga instructor
  27. Write a book - even if it's not any good
  28. Watch Harry Potter marathon in a weekend Done
  29. Make a turkey
  30. Register on the bone marrow registry Done

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Back to School, Back to School

To prove to dad that I'm not a fool....

I'm not actually heading back to school, just more of this online course stuff.  I had a week off there where I wasn't working on a course.  Actually it wasn't even a week, it was Wednesday to Sunday.  But now I'm back at it.  My course doesn't actually start until September, but I always get so behind, so I'm trying to start early.

This is the Tax Act that I will be studying for the next three months. 

If that doesn't scream excitement, I don't know what does.

Sometimes & Always

Sometimes I don't really think about my posts ahead of time and then it's Tuesday morning and I've got nothing

Always I know that I don't have to post everyday, but I'm challenging myself to post as much as possible

Sometimes I have weekends where we don't have many plans

Always Those weekends are my favourite

Highlight of my weekend - falling asleep during Scream 4

Sometimes My kitten still plays with my head in the middle of the night

Always I love her, but I kick her out of the room. A girls gotta sleep

How can you be mad at that face?

Sometimes I wish there was more money in the bank so that I could decorate my little heart out (and maybe go to Costa Rica)

Always I know that we are just starting out, and life wouldn't be as interesting if we could just buy whatever we wanted

Monday, 20 August 2012

An Extra $70 in My Pocket

First off blog world, I'm disappointed in you.  Typically on Monday mornings, I wake up and sign onto my feed to find new posts from everyone.  There were only two this morning.  Hopefully my feed will be flooded later today or I won't know what to do with myself.  Now onto my actual post...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.  I won $116 on Friday in the 50/50 draw at work.  I'm not generally a winner so this was tres exciting.  First thing Ryan and I did was go out for dinner.  Now I have $70 left to do as I please.  But it's a super hard decision.  There are so many things that I want that I don't buy because it's just not in the budget.  I can't buy all of those things for $70.
I could buy the Harry Potter 8 disc set.  I have been asking for this since it came out, but nobody will buy it for me for birthdays or Christmas because they think it's dumb.  But I really want it.  The regular set is $70.  The blu ray is $110.  But if I buy it off EBay, I could probably get the blu ray for close to $70.  I'm not sure that I trust EBay though....I had a bad experience once.
I also really really want a Papasan chair.  We rearranged the basement this weekend and I know that it will fit now.  I figure I can buy the base of Kijiji and save about $40 there, and I'm hoping that this green cushion matches the room.  However, this may be something that I could justify spending money on in the future because it is "for the house".  But I kind of want it now.
Pier 1
12 hours later....

I took a break from writing this post to go to yoga, buy a Papasan cushion (not with my winnings), eat and have Sunday Funday with my family.  This involved them eating steak and nachos with cheese and a delicious dessert with pudding in it, while I ate chicken, no nachos and cheese and the delicious dessert without the pudding.  (If you don't know what I'm talking about, I can't eat beef or dairy for a month.)  But thanks mom for making me a special meal!  I do appreciate it, I just love me some steak.

OK so, I asked Ryan's opinion and he said to spend it on the chair.  Apparently he didn't know that I wanted Harry Potter and said that's a Christmas gift....geez Louise.  So my next question is, do I buy a new chair or a chair off Kijiji. 

Here are the facts:

Kijiji Chair
  • approx $50
  • light brown

Pier 1
  • on sale for $100, regular $120
  • dark brown as seen above
  • richer looking

The savings seem worth it.  And I did just spend $77 on the cushion.  But I love the dark colour....I may be the most indecisive person ever.  Somebody tell me what to do.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

I Stopped Cooking With Cheese

I went to naturopath to have some food sensitivity testing done.  Wanna know what I'm not supposed to eat for the next month?

Beef, dairy, sugar, ketchup, broccoli, butter.....

Those are my main concerns.  Dairy is the big one.  Ryan and I eat cheese on....well, everything.  I start my day with cereal.  I guess that's out.  I eat leftovers for lunch.  And seriously, almost every meal we make has cheese in it.

{via} All I'm allowed to eat - but not the broccoli or yellow pepper

And no, I'm not actually off sugar.  That's just ridiculous.  And impossible.  What am I supposed to eat?  I don't know.  But I am really trying my hardest at the other stuff.

So apparently if I give my body a rest from the things that I'm not digesting properly, I get better?  I don't know.  A bunch of naturopathic voodoo if you ask me.  But at this point I might as well try it.  I have been off these things since Tuesday. And taking some of the voodoo medicine.  So far I haven't seen a change in the actual stomach issues.  Hopefully by the end of this I do.  I'm not giving up cheese and ice cream for nothing.  It's kind of a forced diet though, which can't be bad for me and Ryan. 

So Ryan has been trying to get used to the new foods that I'm making.  He's trying, that's what matters.  He put cheese on my garlic bread the other night, but then he picked it off.  Overall, he is being supportive.  He is sick of me burping.  There I said it.  The cat's out of the bag.  Not only does my stomach hurt but I burp like 100 times a day and it's really annoying and unattractive.  Now everybody knows the full story.  Man being honest on a blog is weird.

Do you know how many cheesecakes I have in my freezer?  Well only 2, but now that I can't eat them I really really want them...

{via} Why did I search cheesecake pictures?  I want some so badly
All of this rambling has really just made me want something cheesy.  I better go find something delicious to distract me from that.

Friday, 17 August 2012

If You Really Knew Me....

This seems to be the blogging trend.  Every time I read one I think, I can't do that.  But I'm going to try to dig deep and come up with some really interesting points.

If you really knew me....

You'd know that I live for food and coffee.  I think about my next meal constantly.

At my finest
 You'd know that I could live the rest of my life with just my husband and maybe two close friends.  I don't feel the need to surround myself with people and would rather be really close to only a few.

You'd know that I live down the street from my parents, stop in frequently, and usually stay for two hours.

You'd know that I have actually grown to love Ryan's Wednesday nights with the guys.  Because I can have me time and do whatever I want.

You'd know that I complain.  A lot.  I'm working on it.

You'd know that I hate ironing my clothes, but my steamer is my best friend.

You'd know that I love me some wine, but I'm really not a big drinker.  It's something I could do without easily.

You'd know that I would love to open my own business, if only I could figure out what I want that business to be.

You'd know that I watch way too much reality TV.  Real Housewives, Big Brother, Amazing Race, Survivor, anything involving the Real World.  I can't help it, it's an addiction.

So there is a little bit more about me. 

Thursday, 16 August 2012

This Week in Yoga Land

Last night I went to yoga (yay on keeping up my resolution for more than one week!), and something happened that had never happened before.

You begin and end the class in savasana.  Savasana is a fancy yoga word for lying down.  Like nap time, but not.  You are supposed to completely empty your mind.  Do you know how hard this is?  Our minds are always running.  I usually lie there and think about a million things, and then think about how I'm supposed to be thinking nothing. We talk to ourselves constantly.  (Maybe that's just me?  I'm pretty sure everyone must do this).  But last night, for the first time in my three years of yoga, my mind was empty.  (That is until I started congratulating myself on having an empty mind).  But really, we did savasana three times, and all three times, my mind wasn't running.  I wasn't talking to myself.  It was a weird feeling.  But it felt so good.  Kind of hazy. 

Maybe a lot of people reach this point before I did.  I don't know.  But for me, I think that I just broke through a major barrier.  I'm super proud of myself!


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

There's Something New 'Round Here

I'm in the office blogging, Ryan is hanging pictures.  Ryan says: "Are you documenting this? I thought you were a blogger"

I think I was just reprimanded by my husband for being a bad blogger, while I was blogging.  Geez, how are you supposed to document life and write blog posts all at the same time?

Anyways, on our final vacation day (yes I'm slightly behind posting this), we were just doing stuff around the house.  We got a new mirror, and hung up some additional pictures, and stared lovingly at my new Gurgle Pot.

The Gurgle Pot in it's natural habitat...for now
This is the Gurgle Pot Michaela gave me for doing a reading at her wedding.  I have told Ryan that this is a decoration and it's not to be put in the cupboard.  He hates having things on the counter though, so we will see how long it lasts there. 
Just in time for me to check myself out all dolled up for Michaela's wedding
The mirror has been a long time coming.  I knew I wanted one for here.  We didn't have a full length mirror anywhere in the house, which makes getting dressed difficult for a woman.  Who knows what I have looked like from the waist down for the past 8 months.

The mirror really completes the hallway.  It feels more homey.  Every time we put up anything new on the walls, it just feels a bit more like a home.  Maybe we should keep doing it slowly and dragging this out!  At this rate, my house should be decorated by 2020.  Just in time for everything to be very outdated and ready to be done again.  Isn't that how it usually goes?

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

The Olympics in Numbers

277 Canadian Athletes

204 Countries
17 Days
22 medals Won by Michael Phelps across 4 Olympics
962 medals given out
26 sports included in the games
2 weird Olympic mascots
5 Spice Girls doing an amazing performance!


13th The place Canada ended in medal standings (we didn't break top 12 like we wanted, but so close!)
15 Age of youngest Canadian Athlete
65 Age of oldest Canadian Athlete (Crazy eh!)
18 Medals for Canada
1 Canadian anthem played for Canadian Gold

Rosie MacLennan {via}

On the bright side, this means that there is only 2 years until Luge, Speed Skating, Moguls and Ice Dance grace my television screen.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Men In Kilts

I saw way too many men in kilts this weekend.  I was bartending at the Fergus Scottish Festival.

There were big men in kilts.  Little men in kilts.  Tattooed men in kilts.  Non-tattooed men in kilts.  Girls in kilts.  Kids in kilts.  I'm kilted out for a year. 

Seriously though, a kid in a kilt might be the cutest thing ever.  I wish I had a picture.  But I felt that as a bartender, it would have been super creepy if I was taking pictures of random people.  

Bartending was actually my only foray into the Scottish Festival festivities.  My family joined in.  My parents camped and my sister drank.  I babysat.  A dog and a sleeping child, but not at the same time.  

So what is the Scottish Festival besides drinking in the beer tent? 

There is dancing.


There are men throwing weights and hydro poles and such.


There are bagpipes.  Oh baby are there bagpipes.  On the bright side, I wasn't sleeping there.  My family was subjected to the bagpipes during the early hours of the morning.  


So what I actually did was bartended during Saturday and Sunday to raise money for my skating fundraising.  Pretty easy way to make some cash.  And it wasn't too bad.  I finally learnt how to pour beer from a tap.  I'm pretty proud of myself for that!  It was pretty easy bartending, we just poured shots and wine and opened vodka coolers. 

Then on Saturday night, rather than drinking, I babysat a sleeping child and watched The Vow.  I think I made the right choice.  Sometimes I feel like I should act my age and go out and party.  Then I wake up feeling fantastic on a Sunday morning and am so glad that I act like a 45 year old mom of three.


Thursday, 9 August 2012

I'm a Yogi

I don't know if someone who takes a six month yoga break can consider themselves a yogi.  I don't know what happened.  I just was down to one pass, didn't want to take the time to go to a class and didn't have money to buy more passes.  Yoga is expensive you know!

But....I went back.  And it's my new resolution to go once a week again.  I don't go more than this because the studio is half an hour from home and I have to kill an hour and a half after work to go on my way home, so once a week is basically my limit.

So Wednesday was my first day back in forever.  I was scared.  Yoga is hard.  It's hot yoga that I do, and when you aren't used to the heat and haven't been in it for awhile, sometimes dizziness takes over.  But not this time it didn't!  I was phenomenal.  I was balanced.  I was flexible.  I didn't have to take any breaks.  It might have been because it was a brand new teacher and it was easier than most classes....but I prefer to think that I'm just awesome.

I came out of the class feeling energized and refreshed.  Happier.  Proud of myself.  Yoga gives you this indescribable feeling.  If I could do it 7 days a week, I would.

It's good to be back.
This isn't me.  But I do know her.  It's the lovely Pauline from Power Yoga Canada

Love It/Hate It #2

Love It: The Olympics
There is always something to watch.

Hate It: When they televise a two hour soccer game that Canada isn't playing in and don't play the Men's diving that does have a Canadian in it
Seriously, I hate knowing the results before I have even watched it.  And diving will always be more interesting than Soccer.  Ok so maybe it was just men's diving prelims, but still.  And apparently everyone is all interested in soccer all of a sudden.  I don't know where that came from.

Love It: Vacation
My vacation week was so awesome and relaxing.

Hate It: Going back to work
It's so hard. 

Love It: Grilled Veggies
I can't even explain how many times I have had grilled peppers and zucchini this summer.  My grilling basket is my favourite kitchen tool.

Hate It: New shoes
You know when you find a pair of black flats that you love and then one day you find holes in them and need a new pair.  And then you have to break in that new pair.  It's awful.  I'm glad they have free band aids at work.

Love It: Seeing two people so in love vowing to spend the rest of their lives together

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

The Liebster Award

I was recently nominated for The Liebster award by Sarah at Eat. Bake. Sew. Love.  It is an honour that she reads my blog and chose me for this, so I am going to try and carry it on.
The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  I guess that would be me!

What is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.  (I did less than 11 because it's hard to come up with 11 with the 200 follower constraint)
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs!

Here are my questions:
1. What's your favourite flavor of ice cream?
This is tricky.  I love ice cream.  Ryan and I mostly eat vanilla ice cream at home.  It goes with everything, you can add whatever you want to it, it's just a good fall back.  But I also love cookie dough ice cream and mint chocolate chip.  I could talk about my love for ice cream for hours.
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation?

A real get out of town vacation would be New York City.  If you want to count my last work vacation, it would be up to the cottage last week.
3. What's your favourite mixed drink?

Long Island Iced Tea.  I always want something different when I go to a restaurant but know that I will never be disappointed by this one.4. Favourite childhood memory?
Probably just camping with my family in general. Or going up to the cottage with the extended family.  Lots of fun times.
5. Favourite Summer Olympics sport?Rowing.  I wish that I had started Rowing in university.  It looks so neat.  I was actually looking into it recently, and there is a rowing club nearby that I'm hoping to try out soon.  Olympics, here I come!

6. How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?
I feel like it takes me about an hour sometimes.  Usually I read and that puts me to sleep.  Ryan falls asleep in about 30 seconds. 
7. What time do you get up most mornings?
6:30am.  Way too early for my liking.  But I also like to be somewhat relaxed in the morning, so I give myself an hour to get ready and get out the door.
8. How long is your commute to work/school?
I have a one hour commute to work.  The drive there isn't so bad, but at the end of the day I really just want to be home, and not driving.
9. What did you eat for supper last night?
Vegetarian lasagna.  I thought it was good.  Ryan thought it was weird.  In the end I decided I think I paid way more for the ingredients and spent way too much time cooking it when I could have bought a $10 lasagna from the grocery store.  Live and learn.
10. When was the last time you exercised? What did you do?

Last night, I pulled out the latest I'm going to watch Vampire Diaries and work out.  I did this workout that I found on Pinterest. It doesn't look like much but it works you pretty hard.

11. Why do you blog?
I started blogging to document our home renovations.  I haven't done an overly good job at that side of it, but now it's really just a hobby.  It keeps me entertained, and it makes me appreciate all of the things that are going on in my life and how blessed I really am.

So there we have it.  My questions are answered.  Now I have to come up with 11 of my own.

1. What is your favourite TV show?
2. Do you want kids? If you have kids, do you want more?
3. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
4. If you could only shop at one store for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
5. Where is your dream vacation?
6. What time do you typically go to bed?
7. Have you ever met a famous person?
8. What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
9. Winter Olympics or Summer Olympics?
10. Coffee or Tea?
11. If you could live in a different city, which one would it be?

I have come across these blogs recently and they are all fantastic. So here are the bloggers that I am tagging, go check them out!
Most What Matters, Finding my ForeverThe Days When I'm Not a Nurse, Dirt Bikes and Diamonds, My Best Friends Blog