Tuesday 17 December 2013

The 5th Day of Christmas: Christmas Dinner Necessities

On the 5th day of Christmas I'm talking about food.  What else is new?

Christmas Dinner.  It's a pretty important meal, and there are a few things that you want to make sure you have or else there will be a family riot.
The Average Christmas Dinner

Turkey and Potatoes.  These are the obvious necessities.  

Stuffing.  Now here is where a real riot would happen.  Stuffing is the reason why everybody loves this meal, because who doesn't want to stuff their face with an entire loaf of seasoned bread.  There is a reason why it's called "stuffing" and it has nothing to do with putting it in a turkeys bum.

Cranberries.  These never used to make an appearance at our dinners, now I couldn't get by without them.  There's no need for gravy on turkey when you have delicious, sugary cranberry!

Corn.  Because you need to at least pretend that you are caring about your health by eating vegetables.

Turnip.  Make sure it's filled with brown sugar, or it's not worth it.

Buns.  To soak up all that gravy obviously.

Cabbage Salad.  Made by Grandma or somebody who makes it just like Grandma.

Apple Pie.  For some people it may be pumpkin I suppose, or maybe even cherry cheesecake.  For me, my Christmas dinner needs to be completed with some delicious homemade apple pie.

That was delicious!  Come back tomorrow to work off some of that food!


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